found in nature

Wrangell Garnets are found in major gem collections around the world and are recognized for their faceted, luminous beauty…

Devil’s Club is a large understory shrub native to the rainforests of the Pacific Northwest and is known for its physical and spiritual healing powers…

What are Wrangell Garnets?

Wrangell Garnets are a semi-precious gemstone found along the Stikine River near Wrangell, Alaska. These merlot-colored stones are unique to other garnets as they are have natural faceted faces and are made of almandine crystals.

These gemstones have been mined by many different organizations for decades including the United States’s first all female corporation. In 2002, the location known as Garnet Ledge was gifted the the children of Wrangell and harvesting of the garnets is limited to just them and their family members. No power tools are allowed at Garnet ledge so our family is has to pack in our own. All garnets are harvested with careful precision using picks, rock chisels and hammers amongst other tools and then are packed back out and taken home to begin the process of making our jewelry.

Ritchie’s Rocks has been named one of THE places in Alaska to buy Wrangell Garnet jewelry. Read about it here!

Want to read more about the Ritchie’s and mining at Garnet Ledge? Read about them in Alaska Magazine!

What is Devil’s Club?

Devil’s Club (Oplopanax Horridum) is a powerful yet dangerous plant that grow in the forest’s of southeast Alaska. Its name aptly fits since the plant is cover with a dense armor of needle like spines, which can cause severe pain and skin irritations. Once the root and inner bark are harvested, it can be made into tea or slaves amongst other products. Devil’s club has been widely used by indigenous peoples for centuries for medicinal purposes. Locally it is known by the Tlingit tribe as Alaskan ginseng or Tlingit aspirin and is commonly used for inflammation, respiratory ailments, stomach and digestive troubles and fevers. In certain cases, it has been found to treat cancer, diabetes, arthritis, general pain, sore muscles, reducing stress and treating skin irritations.

Devil’s Club has also been used for spiritual purposes such as luck for hunting, strength, and protection against evil spirits and witchcraft. The plant is highly powerful medicinally and sacred to many peoples. When harvesting Devil’s Club, we carefully remove the inner bark and root to infuse them in oils in order to draw the medicinal properties out. We then use that infused oil as an essential part of our Devil’s Club product line to bring you natural healing. We truly believe that Devil’s Club is God’s healer.